Intellitec College
Brian is currently the Factory Manager of Intel's Rio Rancho semiconductor fabrication facility that currently does manufacturing and process development of logic, memory, and silicon photonics technologies. The Intel NM site has over 1800 amazing employees that consistently deliver the mission through teamwork, innovation, and commitment. Brian is a native New Mexican who received his Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree in Biomedical Engineering from Arizona State University and started his Intel career 25yrs ago in Chandler Arizona before transferring back to his home in New Mexico in 1996.  He has also been on the board of the Los Ojos De La Familia charity since its inception in 2009.  The charity provides quality of life and educational assistance to the local community.
Brian and his wife, Joslin, are the proud parents of two boys who are currently attending college in Colorado.  Isaiah is entering his senior year in Environmental Engineering and Xavier is a freshman in the Paramedic+Bachelor of Applied Science in Leadership and Management.